Speaking the same Digital Language

Jan 27

As Bill Gates predicted the Internet has indeed become the town square for the global village of today.

A google search enabled a group of officials and elected representatives from Attappady Block Panchayat of Kerala to learn about our activities on waste management. They made it a point to come over here for firsthand information and knowledge. It was a pleasant experience interacting with such interested and passionate individuals.

M’mera Mpoyamba

Jan 10

New beginnings and endless possibilities, the first school activity of the year. Imparting the importance of the 5 R’s of Waste Management, with a special emphasis on the first two.

A big thanks to Ms. Kirithiha Vijayakumar⁩ for having having taken the trouble to arrange this trip for her students

A Tale of Two Hill Stations

Jan 09

An unannounced late evening albeit significant visitor to the waste management facility, the Member Secretary of the Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board.

He was much thrilled with the activities and results and stated that he’ll be in contact to replicate our model in the Hill State which faces similar challenges as this hilly district.

An Year in Retrospect & Looking Ahead

Jan 01

The year 2024 had been quite an eventful one for the organisation, witnessing 10 years of caring for the environment, the first half decade as a citizen’s body and the next half as a registered non-profit. The year as well hallmarks 5 years of Municipal Waste Management as a Public Private Partnership.

In addition to the chief area of focus, 2024 also witnessed a resurgence of activities on other fronts – the restoration of the silted up Wellington Lake, the pre-monsoon cleanup of the Coonoor River, resumption of neighbourhood cleanups, and school activities being a few instances.

Our activities on the the waste management front have led to a CO2 equivalent Emission Savings of 1,541 tons by preventing about 4,758 tons of municipal waste from either being interred into landfills or from being openly dumped.

Although the achievements are impressive, given the ecological sensitiveness of this district and the focus of activity of this organisation being nonexclusive, non-rivalled and essential – complacency has no place in 2025.

The year ahead will focus on addressing operational complexities peculiar to this hilly terrain, attending to sustainability and replicability concerns, stepping up activities pertaining to advocacy, communication and social mobilisation, and in building sound administrative and political commitments.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..