World Rivers Day 2019 Celebrations – Responses

Revd. Philip Mulley
24 Sep 2019

Dear Samantha and Dr.Vasanthan,

A big salute to you both and your counterparts in the CLEAN COONOOR MISSION.  The meaningful event put up at Coonoor Club on the 22nd instant, by whosoever concerned is certainly a great wellspring of what your mission wants to happen to “Namma Water” (one sixth of the total flow in Kaveri is ours).

In the time honoured litany of prayers offered at a Badaga funeral, absolution is besought (among many other acts of trespasses) for the SIN of humans even daring to cross the bank of any water course (let alone polluting it !) without paying obeisance to it.  Respect for that kind of a “religion” is not there anymore.  However, may your zealous mission regenerate this religion.  God Bless you all.

Rakesh Sharma
24 Sep 2019

Wow congrats Reeba and Clean Coonoor. May your tribe increase!

Gen Girish and Lt Gen Pattabhiraman
23 Sep 2019

Reeba,It was our privilege and pleasure to join in the really well organised event.
The speaker and the videos were eye openers and your song in the form of a music video was superb.
Thanks for inviting us.
Thanks for exposing us to Clean Coonoor once more.

From a Friend
23 Sep 2019


After the programme last evening, many of us were discussing during the tea break,  that your program has given the right impetus to Clean Coonoor.  They needed a platform to actually showcase to the community what they are doing – devoid of politicians being present !  You have contributed greatly.  I am sure they will see a surge of support.  God bless “Namma Nilgiris”

From a Friend
23 Sep 2019

❤❤😘 Rebha HOW would I have NOT come to your
“Launch “.
Your song was brilliant, & so touching. Almost brought a big lump to my throat. 😢
Thank You for doing it from Coonoor & the club.

You have given Clean Coonoor a platform. We all know Clean Coonoor and the work they do. But only at your launch, we saw their work. Which has brought awareness to people , who didn’t realise the dedication of the
“ Clean Coonoor “
God Bless you.

Ann Thaddaeus
23 Sep 2019

Reeba, my dear, superb singing as always. U r top notch👏👏. Thank you for your kind invitation.

We really enjoyed the evening. The work that Clean Coonoor is doing is simply out of this world and we people are blessed to be living in such a time when such simple souls are doing such unbelievable work for our environment. The 2 videos and Dr.Vasanthams speech brought tears to my eyes as it did to many others too. It was really very moving.

Anjana Tarun
23 Sep 2019

Good morning Reeba…. congratulations on your super song …. just your style, absolutely loved it… truly appreciate the message…. very proud of you and Clean Coonoor… well done 👍👍 Hugs from us 😘

Union Church
23 Sep 2019

Wonderful time we had. It was our previlege or our pleasure to witness the release of your video. I have seen you make people laugh at informal gatherings but first time I saw you speaking in a formal set up. You are too good in your communication, simple, clear, natural filled with humour. Reeba…you are blessed and be always a blessing.

Please convey our best wishes to Clean Coonoor. Only today, we realised how much they are doing for us. Their videos were so beautiful and an eye opener. 

God bless all of you.

Stanes School
23 Sep 2019

A joy to be there!    A fan of   your voice and musical abilities …but you are more than  just that…. Admire your tenacity, humility and contagious love for life n others !! . God bless you Reeba…  Much love n hugs…

And congratulations to clean Coonoor. What a fantastic job. We learnt so much of them and their work through your event. Thank you.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..