Dry Waste Delivery (KPI-1)

The quantum of the daily dry stream collected from within the municipal limits and delivered to the Resource Recovery Centre by both municipal and other sources

Averages in %

Averages by Weight


  • Projected generation within the township – 5,600 kgs per day.
  • Expected percentage of delivery – 5,000 kgs per day (90%).
  • True increase during tourist influx, fairs and festivals, clearing of backlogs, and cleaning up of dumping black-spots.
  • Apparent increase during wet spells.
  • True decrease expected during natural calamities.
  • Apparent decrease chiefly due to non-collection (absenteeism of sanitation workers, vehicle breakdown, etc).
  • Check consistently underperforming collection circuits.
  • Check for roadside dumping in such circuits.
  • Check door-to-door waste collection & pickup timings.
  • Liaise with sanitation staff, vehicle drivers, and sanitary supervisors.
  • Seek community engagement.


  1. The projected generation is calculated for a moisture range of 9-13%. A high Moisture Content due to any reason will increase the tonnage, creating a false impression that the quanta collected and transported to the facility is within normal limits.
  2. A Special Single Stream Delivery comprising of higher density material such as glass and other inerts will again create a false impression that the allocated quantum has been collected and transported.
  3. Bulk Deliveries though contributing to tonnage again do not reflect the true situation.
  4. Special Circumstances such as wet spells, fairs and festivals, & etc, are other causes for a spurious result.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..