Measures the degree of segregation of the dry waste in percentage, delivered from the individual circuit, based on random sampling and visual assessment of at least 10 bags per vehicle.
- Expected average – above 80%.
Averages by %
Intervening Variables
- Decrease usually due to apathy on the part of the populace and waste collectors, and also poor collection & transportation logistics leading to wayside dumping.
- Bulk deliveries and special streams can to an extent influence segregation rates in both ways.
- Special Circumstances such as fairs and festivals, and a tourist influx may again influence the KPI in a negative manner.
Actions to be taken
- All actions described under KPI-1 & 2 to be repeated.
- If problem persists consider recommending punitive measures to authorities concerned.
Confounding Variables
- The sole confounder which leads to spurious results is absence of trained key personnel.