Dry Waste Handling Rate (KPI-5)

Measured as at the percentile of the waste re-sorted, handled and quantified, as against the quantum delivered for the day and the previous day’s backlog if any.

Averages in %

Averages by Weight


  • Acceptable average – >90%
  • True decrease expected during mass absenteeism, power outages, and machinery breakdowns
  • Apparent decrease chiefly due to improper inward weighment, incorrect weighment of handled waste stream, improper and incorrect guidance by personnel monitoring resorting of waste stream, and lack of training
  • Check weigment procedures at the weigh-bridge for deliberate falsifications – if discrepancies persist, check calibrations and undertake appropriate measures
  • Check calibrations of weighing apparatus in the Resource Recovery Centre
  • Train and re-train personnel involved in the handling process and intensify supervision
  • Check for consistent and prolonged absenteeism among personnel employed and undertake either corrective or punitive measures


  1. High Moisture content due to wet spells and other reasons is the chief confounder, as it affects the end-process weigment leading to a handling gap.
  2. Clearing of any backlog of re-sorted material meant to be baled may show a higher percentile of handling.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..