
Clean Coonoor is a Registered Charitable Public Trust which believes that the role of any Non Governmental Organisation, is to reach out into areas where the government machinery cannot.

We believe in providing support to the District Administration and the Local Body concerned, to keep the Town of Coonoor and its surroundings clean and hygienic. Our activities do not stop with this alone, we as well hold awareness programmes on subjects such as the ill-effects of, littering, indiscriminate plastic usage, and such. We at Clean Coonoor also try and instil among residents and tourists alike, a sense of responsibility and pride in the town, through periodical heritage and nature walks, discourses, lectures, & such. Eco-restoration, revival and restoration of heritage buildings, promotion of art and culture, are some of our other activities.

We invite enthusiastic, determined lifelong learners with an interest in environmental issues.

How to apply

If you’re excited about our mission and interested in joining our team, we want to hear from you! Please email

Open Positions

The organisation operates two units within the premises of the Municipal Waste Management Facility, a ‘Resource Recovery Centre’ to take care of Dry Waste, and an ‘In-shelter Composting Unit,’ to deal with the Wet. Both the Units employ around 50 personnel employed in different capacities, the activities of whom are co-ordinated and overseen by a Unit Supervisor.

Unit Supervisor

Job Title : Unit Supervisor
Location : Municipal Waste Management Park, Ottupattarai, Coonoor, The Nilgiris – 643105
Terms : Fixed Term Contract / Full-time and on-call
Salary : Negotiable
Special Requirements : Alternate Sunday Duty Compulsory 


The job entails the supervisor being able to manage his/her own relationship with the people around him/her, and, as well as the relationships among his/her subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations is not enough.

The Unit Supervisor’s main job will be maintaining workforce morale, as the work involved is often taxing, stigmatised and looked down upon, carried out by a semi-literate and ageing workforce with high attrition rate, and with absolutely no or very little reserves to fall back on. 

His/her role is vital in the organisation’s success in this venture ; which attracts very little visibility, is unglamorous, involves harsh work-environment, and calls for physical and mental Endures. Interested candidate whose core values revolve around, discipline, obedience, and courage, may apply. (OTHERS NEEDN’T)


  • The Unit Supervisor will be responsible for the smooth and safe running of the Unit under his/her charge, and shall report to the trustees, and(or) members of the advisory board, on its day to day functioning
  • Shall, formulate in conjunction with the trustees, a monthly action plan, based on analysis of parameters monitored during the previous month, outlining preventive and remedial measures for negative issues.
  • He/she shall on a daily basis, issue clear instructions down the chain of command, a set of tasks tailored to suit the current-day scenario of waste handling. He/she shall then proceed to ensure that the instructions are being carried out punctiliously, and that the goals and targets are achieved by the end of the work-day.
  • He/she shall from time to time, provide need-based hands-on training, to all workers under him ; and will as well ensure that standard operating procedures, best practices, and safety protocols are being adhered to.
  • He/she will liaise with all municipal staff involved in the transportation of waste generated in town, and work out a streamlined and efficient off-loading strategy. He/she shall also give a daily feedback to the truck drivers and Sanitary Supervisors, on the quantum of trash brought in, shortfalls if any, the degree of segregation, and make suggestions of possible remedial measure to improve the quality and quantity of the waste that is being brought in.
  • He/she shall at the end of the day ; duly collect, collate, and record all data, captured both real-time and as end-process ; analyse and interpret the same, and then plan and act on results. 
  • He/she will conduct from time-to-time, need based review of personnel working under him/her, vis-a-vis, work-skills, technical knowledge, and safety procedures.


  • Any degree
  • A minimum experience of 2 years in managing teams of 10 or more.
  • Basic knowledge on computing and statistics 
  • Must be fluent in both English & Tamil.


Interns looking gain experience in solid waste management,  community engagement, or fundraising can reach out to us. These are 3-6 month opportunities.

Volunteering opportunities

Community Volunteer

We are looking for people passionate about environmental issues on this district. If you are willing to contribute your mite we’d like to hear from you.

You’d need to commit 8-10 hours a month, and be based in any part of this district. Do send us a note about yourself and why you’d like to help.


We also welcome volunteers who can support us with research and data analysis. Email us explaining your interest, expertise and time commitment.

All our activities are funded by donors & well wishers. We welcome contributions, to help us fund our operations. We would like to place on record the list of organisations that support us.