Category: Eco-restoration
ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is Ecosystem Restoration. World Environment Day 2021 will see the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. This means […]
A Sedgeland in Bloom
I WANDER by the edgeOf this desolate lakeWhere wind cries in the sedge: Thus starts the opening stanza of William Butler Yeats’s poem, “He Hears the Cry Of The Sedge.” […]
Restoring the Coonoor River, Phase-II
It should be recalled that the middle stream of the Coonoor River, had earlier been cleared of debris by Clean Coonoor, and fenced up through the efforts of ISPRAVA Homes. […]
When Words Fail, Pictures Speak
A few sceptics may ask ; what’s the point in tending to a marsh, why waste precious time and resources on a piece of wasteland. The answer lies in the […]