Coonoor River – Cleanup operations of upper stream commences

As part of World Rivers Day Celebrations, Clean Coonoor commenced its promised cleanup of the upper stream, a major feeder of the Coonoor River.

The operations will involve the badly silted-up around 600 metre stretch which extends from the Coonoor Bridge to the slaughterhouse, and is expected to last for the greater part of a 50 day period. 

After a few nerve-wracking movements a couple of earth-movers, reached the riverbed which had to be approached from down a precipitous declivity. 

Choked with debris the stream now flows with an average width of 20 feet, and we hope to establish a free flow of around 50 feet at the end of the proceedings.

Carting the soil out will be the real challenge considering the steepness of the gorge through which the stream cuts by.