Encouraging the Embrace of Diversity

A Neighbourhood Cleanup was organised by the Residents of Brooklands Association of Coonoor (ROBAC) in which more than 30 residents participated in cleaning up the surroundings. They were joined by employees and volunteers of Clean Coonoor and the sanitation staff of the Municipality. 

Today’s cleanup yielded 1090 kg of waste chiefly dumped into wayside bushes and other blind spots. The collected waste comprised mostly of everyday household discards with baby diapers predominating. It is felt that such exercises carried out across sections of the society can provide insights into reasons for dumping and littering, patterns of waste generation, lacunae in the existing collection mechanisms, and help in evolving corrective measures, and ways and means to reduce waste generation.

The organisation anticipates that todays exercise will serve as a springboard for other organisations to follow suit, and hopes to make it a fortnightly affair. 

It is hoped that when residents band together to clean up all or part of their neighbourhood, other purposes such as – installation of neighbourhood pride, breaking the cycle of hopelessness and helplessness, giving everyone a chance to contribute whatever they can, and improving quality of life and the self-image of residents – will as well be served.