Percentage of Compostables (KPI-9)

Percentile of the waste which includes both organic rejects and other compostable material which are deemed unsuitable for regular recycling – measured by weight at the end of the day against the total waste stream handled

Averages in %

Averages by Weight


  • Acceptable average – <15%
  • True increase expected during tourist influx, fairs and festivals, clearing of backlogs, cleaning up of dumping black-spots, and during rainy spells, and when waste stream is processed for purposes other than being used as Alternate Fuel & Resources (AFR)
  • Apparent increase due improper collection and transportation & improper sorting at the resource recovery centre due to lack of proper training and inadequate supervision
  • Liaise with sanitation staff, vehicle drivers, and sanitary supervisors
  • Advise proper compartmentalisation during transport
  • Seek community engagement
  • Re-train personnel involved in re-sorting and intensify supervision


  1. The sole confounder which may affect rates is key personnel absenteeism which may lead to misclassifications.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..