
  • The quantum of waste collected and transported by the local body to the waste management facility as against the projected daily generation. The estimated generation for the town’s population is 5600 kgs per day which works out to 2,044,000 kgs for the year.
  • The next important parameter is the percentage of waste handled out of the quantity delivered. The normative is above 90% with an allowance being given for moisture content of the material, weighment errors, etc.
  • Recovery rate as well plays an important part in monitoring as a higher recovery, projects higher efficiency and a lower carbon footprint. The norm has been fixed as above 40% taking into consideration market forces that are in play. Recovery rate reflects not only salvage of commodities which are subjected to recycling processes, but as also includes material which can be composted – moist or soiled paper, organic impurities and such, being a few examples. Articles that are not deemed fit for recovery are disposed off as per Pollution Control Board norms, either through soil amelioration, or by High Temperature Closed Burning

The KPIs which monitor wet waste collection and composting are listed below-

  • As with dry waste, the quantum of waste collected and transported for composting, as against the projected daily generation, is of prime importance. The estimated generation for wet waste is double that of the dry element, 11,200 kgs a day, or 4,088,000 kgs for the year. Taking into consideration the moist climatic conditions, between 20-25% of the processed input composts over a period of 35-60 days before being ready for use as fertiliser.
  • Next comes the sieving and bagging of the matured compost, an ideal would be something >90%, but a few confounding variables have a say, power outages and absenteeism being common examples.
  • Although the sale of compost is highly seasonal it is wiser not to overstock, the chief reasons being spillage and spoilage. The ideal shelf life would be around a month, and the desired despatch rate should be around 90%, either through sale or free issue.

All our activities are funded by donors & well wishers. We welcome contributions, to help us fund our operations. We would like to place on record the list of organisations that support us.