Waste Management Park Inaugural

Nearly five months have passed ever since Clean Coonoor set about to revamp the Municipal Garbage Dump. Thanks to the eleemosynary gestures of many generous individuals and the active cooperation of the Coonoor Municipal Corporation, the goal has now been achieved. 

A Waste Management Park is all set to be inaugurated by the District Collector on 30 October 2019.

The first challenge was to cover nearly 12000 cubic feet of smouldering mixed waste that had piled up over a period of 60 years with silt excavated from the river cleanups. 

This being done Clean Coonoor has made provisions to deal with the accumulating segregated waste. 

A machine to bale plastics for compact storage and easy transportation, a napkin and rag destroyer to deal with the same, and a shredder and a compost bin to deal with fish and poultry waste, are now in place and functional.

Perhaps many may wonder as to whether the name ‘Waste Management Park’ is just another euphemism.

The answer is an emphatic, ‘No!’ 

The erstwhile dump is a park in a true sense. 

It has now been landscaped in a way that it ceases to be an eyesore, and is presently a lovely picnic spot with trim lawns, a few flowerbeds, and shrubberies. A grand view of the town encompassed within the folds of the nearby hills, with the Hulical Droog looming in the far distance, is also to be had.

This painstaking landscaping done entirely by volunteers, is for the purpose of removing the stigma attached to such areas, where, waste generated solely by humanity, is dealt with.