To mark this year’s World Water Day, a preliminary assessment on cleaning a part of the stream which flows through Brooklands was made by Bharathiya Jain Sanghatana in association with ROBAC. Clean Coonoor will be offering technical support to the operations which will commence shortly. 

The theme of World Water Day 2025 according to the UN is ‘Glacier Preservation,’ they being vital to life, and their melting water is essential for drinking water, agriculture, industry, clean energy, and healthy ecosystems. 

Though these hills are devoid of any glaciers they do have ann equivalent, the Shola-grassland mosaic and the numerous riparian systems that originate from them. 

These are important for unlike the rivers of North India which originate from the eternal snows of the Himalayan ranges – the one’s of the peninsula are rain fed and depend on a healthy ecosystem of the upper reaches of the Western Ghats. 

Hope this small gesture will serve as an eye opener for more ambitious conservation efforts to come.